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About us

When a great used car inventory meets exceptional customer care, you get the GIGI CAR INC experience.
From cup holders to towing capacity, we are confident that we can match you up with the right used vehicle for your needs. We have a great selection of today's top auto brands and a variety of low-mileage, high-value cars, pickups, and SUVs for almost every budget. We invite you to stop by and browse our inventory of previously loved, well-maintained used vehicles.
The GIGI CAR INC sales department is dedicated to the needs of our customers first. We listen to our customers to understand your automotive needs and budget.
If we don't have the vehicle on our lot that suits you and your family, we'll tell you which lot does. Why do we do this? Because we want to earn your trust every time you walk on our lot. GIGI CAR INC does all of this because our customers come first. Always.

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